The Internet Personified: Multiple Choice Edition
I've been down with a deadly virus which could be
a) the flu
b) random virus X that everyone in Delhi is getting
c) smallpox
d) dengue
As a result, I've been home all week (except for the times I had to go out for non-leisure activities) and it has taken me this long to crawl out of bed and to my desk, something I attempted to do every day but was set back because of
a) wobbly legs
b) general malaise
c) bed > desk
d) drugs not working

This morning, I feel mostly well, but funnily, every time I try to put pen to paper or key stroke to blank document (they'll never make a 21st century equivalent that is better than "put pen to paper") my wrists feel suddenly.. so weak and my brain like a wrung out sponge. OH WELL GUESS I'LL HAVE TO LIE ON THE COUCH AND WATCH SEX AND THE CITY ALL DAY AGAIN WOE IS ME.
Things I wrote this week:
1) As Aunty Feminist, on how to handle patriarchal content in pop culture and reading.
2) I gave a talk on how to write female characters and the character of Hermione for a Harry Potter themed workshop. It's now up on my blog.
And that's literally all the writing I've done this week. The problem with being a freelancer is that you begin to feel terribly guilty about unproductive days, whereas if I had a day job I'd totally be reveling in my lack of work.
Great ideas I had this week:
Like a Goodreads but for, like, movies. This came about when I was watching April And The Extraordinary World, an animated French steampunk film featuring April, a girl who wants to be a scientist, a talking cat called Darwin and hi-jinks.
Stuff I thought while reading Enid Blyton's Adventure series:
1) Food = everyone's fantastic and not worried.
2) Bill always comes to the rescue.
3) When did Bill find time to romance the mother? Were they secretly sexing the whole time?
4) Since most of the trouble usually comes from Kiki, maybe leave her at home while you're doing something shady.
5) What happens to Philip's pet-of-the-week?
6) Enid Blyton really doesn't like black people. Or Japanese. Or made up foreign kings. Or anyone who isn't British. #BlytonForBrexit
7) So much time lovingly describing a potted meat sandwich, but no words on where they pooped while stuck in the wilderness.
You can read all the books online at this (probably slightly illegal) website, plus most of her other series as well.

Diverting shows to binge watch while you're sick:
1) Community. Excellent first three seasons, and maybe more excellent seasons as well, but after two days of watching it till 2 a.m, K made me stop. Boo. Hiss. (Although maybe watching TV till 2 in the morning not the best road to health and recovery.)
2) Sex And The City: Always amaze, and season 1 is so anthropological compared to the later years. If you begin at the beginning, it's also very easy to get your boyfriend to watch with you and get sucked into the joys and travails of Carrie & co.
3) There's a new season of Bojack Horseman out. Have you watched that show yet? You totally should.
Okay, now I'm tired, so I'm going to go. Have a great (flu-free!) weekend.